Product Explanation

Dimensions: Width: 58 cm Height: 40 cm Depth: 82 cm Width: 58 cm Height: 36 cm Depth: 82 cm

Tempered transparent glass is used.

Tempered Glass Color: Transparent

Tempered glass; It is a safe glass that is resistant to impacts and breakage, has high strength and does not pose a danger when broken. The resistance of normal glass is increased by heat treatment with advanced technology. When tempered glass breaks, it breaks into small, non-sharp pieces. Therefore, it does not pose a danger to human health and safety and is safe.

The coffee table leg material is metal. It is matte black in colour. Painted with electrostatic powder / oven paint. It does not rust or peel.

The coffee table legs are shipped disassembled. The screws are tightened using a screwdriver or allen, and they are ready for use.

Materials suitable for the environment and health have been used.

It is domestic production with 100% domestic materials.

A slightly damp cloth can be used for cleaning.

It is suitable for home, office, workplace, living room and all places.

Product Features

Product size 52 cm x 58 cm x 40 cm

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